Friday, April 30, 2010

Compete: To be the Best...

In today's world, the word "competition" is not just a mere show-off, but to prove ones own caliber in various fields. A kid compete with his/her sibling to get more attention from parents. This is a competition from that kid's point of view. It's not to prove his talent or caliber but just to make sure his/her sibling isn't getting more love and care from parents.

If you are a student, then why should I explain about competition? You do want to get more marks than your friend sitting beside you. That is competition. If you want to be an engineer or doctor, you have to go through a phase called "entrance exam". It is really cool to comment from gallery, but gladiators know how much difficult their task is. Yes, each exam has its own difficulty level. We could win only by practicing more questions and tackling our own negatives like carelessness, improper time management, etc. I am thankful to God- I finished my entrance exams well; but the pressure, it's not over. Waiting for the results to come out.

Even after the entrance exam, you must not stop hardworking. Education is like a vast ocean. While schooling, we were just building sandcastles at the shore. As years passed, we started looking the ocean. We began to think about its depth and wondered where is its other end. At this point of life one finishes schooling. Entrance exams are challenges. If you get good marks and rank, you can swim in the vast ocean and know more and more interesting things. On the other hand, if you fail to get good marks or rank, the waves are not going to allow you to swim; you reach back to the shore.

Graduation is not all you need to live in this world. You know what is that 5-letter world without which you can't live in this world?Spell: M-O-N-E-Y..MONEY! You need to get a good job. For what? If you aren't really interested in making money by doing any good jobs, then how? Smuggling? Or robbery?

*If the answer is "YEAH!", I must say, it is lame. You are simply a waste. Go to hell!

*If the answer is "NOPE!", have you ever thought how to face an interview? It is an important phase. There must be many examples of people who fought their way to get a job, like a noble warrior, but failed in last step - interview, that is. To face an interview, what you need is full confidence that you are the best. But don't be over-confident, I was talking about creating a self-esteem. Try to give positive energy to the one who is talking to you. Don't be pathetic and scared or tensed. That is not going to help you anyway.

Actually, what I wanted to say was about competition but I crossed all limits and reached somewhere else. An 18-year old boy can't help you give any advices, but whatever I said aren't fictional work. You know it is happening around you, right?

...Sriru is BLOG!

Well, that's right. Big B, SRK, Aamir Khan.. all have blogs. Then I thought..why not me? After months of planning, I made it till here. But the main problem - what to write? Though I have experience with Poetry, Play writing, Short Stories, etc I started to feel BLOGGING is totally different. Yes it is. I searched all over the web for a good topic. Vain. Now that I am here, you can expect really a lot of good stuffs from me - that's my guarantee. Do come and check for my updates.